


by Shalice Noel

a little about me
My wardrobe is 95% thrifted, I have a soft spot for chubby baby legs, and I’d stand on my head for cherry kombucha. I’m a self-proclaimed stripes addict that prefers leopard spots, black dots, and rarely discriminates against anything vintage. I often imagine an outfit in my head and rummage my closet like a chemist in the lab to get it just right. And mostly everything I accomplish is between the few sacred hours of naptime. I believe every mom should take time for herself and specifically how she dresses. No mom jeans here, just respecting your inner chic by taking a chance on those leather skinnies and allowing them to make you feel 100 times better. Since I only purchase 5% of my wardrobe retail, I’ll be sure to document those pieces here so you can take note of my “investment buys”—a term I coined for purchases involving real leather and/or multiple wears. My vision is to share what excites and inspires me as a city-dwelling wife, mom of four, and crazy thrifter. Sharing this passion I have for styling myself {and others’} using mostly thrifted pieces first began on Instagram, with the hope it might one day also turn it into a blog where I could expound on those passions and indulge in the occasional picture of chubby baby legs. Thank you for stopping by.
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dress H&M similar here // skirt LOFT similar here
leopard pumps Target similar here // belt White House | Black Market similar here

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