

Me and the bows are on Janie and Jack’s blog!! How cool right? Read it here

I checked out the blog post about Brooks and Levi modeling the new Janie and Jack Gray Malin collection in the Lacy Park rose garden. The collection definitely exudes resort vibes, with vibrant and playful pieces perfect for a summer getaway.

The collection includes various stylish items such as shirts, linen blend shorts, and swim trunks for boys, alongside dresses and rompers for girls. The combination of Malin’s iconic photography style with Janie and Jack’s classic designs creates a unique and charming line.

One of my favorite pieces from the collection is the Gray Malin Recycled Travel Toile Swim Trunk. It’s not only stylish with its fun and colorful print but also environmentally friendly. Another standout is the striped shorts, which are versatile and perfect for a casual yet polished look.

If you’re interested, you can view the entire collection here

Boy’s shirts // Boy’s shorts // Levi’s slippers

Right now, they have 20% off sale and free shipping!

Navigating the exhilarating journey of parenthood, Reid and you delved into a captivating discussion, unveiling the nuanced dynamics of raising children at different stages of their development. While reminiscing about the whirlwind days of toddlerhood, with its flurry of diaper changes and playground escapades, we both found ourselves nodding in agreement on one profound realization: parenting teens is a whole new adventure demanding a different set of skills.

As you shared anecdotes and insights, a vivid picture emerged of the unique challenges posed by adolescent years. It’s not just about physical exertion anymore; it’s a mental marathon requiring sharp wit and unwavering patience. From engaging in spirited debates about the relevance of physics in everyday life to gently steering them away from the allure of endless YouTube videos, every interaction becomes an opportunity to ignite their curiosity and shape their understanding of the world.

But amidst the intellectual sparring and negotiations, there’s a poignant beauty in witnessing the evolution of your relationship with your teen. It’s a journey marked by mutual growth, where you’re not just a parent but also a mentor, guiding them through the labyrinth of life’s complexities. And as you gently remind them why borrowing mom and dad’s phone charger without asking is a big no-no, you’re not just imparting rules but instilling values that will shape their character for years to come.

What do you think, do you agree? Do you have teens or toddlers and can relate?



We left Georgia on a dark Thursday morning and arrived in SoCal on Monday. It was an intense 3 days of driving and one day of resting with family in Nebraska. What a journey it was! Thankfully we missed hurricane Hillary and drove straight to the house. We’ve been unpacking, waiting for furniture, internet, and having friends over to swim. No complaints here.

I thought it was interesting that the same friends who have been over to swim said that we were the only family they knew who moved away and then returned. To be honest, we like being the forerunners. We are predicting more boomerangs to come.

To those asking about school, before we left, the kids had a slow start to school in Georgia. We will place them back in charter like they were when we left two years ago. I’m praying for a smooth transition back.

I feel like we were blessed to have a second chance coming back to California where we thrived for almost 6 years. 

For those of you wondering why we moved and why so fast, read all about it HERE.

Tomorrow, movers move in our furniture and I’ll be posting a house tour shortly.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Follow the blog and socials for updates!

xx Shalice

@Shalice Noel


Our Exciting News

by Shalice Noel

While my account was gone, you may have missed this

Remember the old Sandra Bullock movie, While You Were Sleeping?  That’s a bit how I feel right now.  We’ve had a lot of life changing events going on the last two weeks and you might be shocked now that my account is breathing again.  I couldn’t share all this exciting news until now.  Boy, that was a stressful 16 days. Read about it HERE.  Thank you for all the support and community you provided while my account was in jeopardy. 

Here is the backstory to catch you all up.

My last post on @shalicenoel was finding moments to teach your children to find the silver lining in all circumstances.  I was majorly tested on this one.  The day my account was taken down is the same day we signed a lease for a new house.  Yes, a new house!  You might ask, but you just built a house in Georgia?  True and technically it’s still our house.  (Let me know if you are looking for a house in Georgia). Reid and I loved the design process of the new build in Georgia, but our work has always been in California.  Namely, Reid has been working remote, traveling back and forth and our clothing label Shalice Noel, needs to be based in LA again.  As you might remember, we almost moved back to California fall of 2022, but our kids were not on board, and our housing search ended up flat. So, Reid and I held back on the move. Meanwhile, we made some dear friendships in Georgia that we will miss greatly!

Read more about that decision HERE.

To our surprise, the kids’ hearts began to change.  The girls and I had made a trip to LA last spring, and we all realized it felt like home to us.  We can’t explain it.  Memories flooded back of me being pregnant with Levi walking the streets of Old Town Pasadena and the girl’s excitement over our favorite restaurants, beaches and shops was thrilling to hear.  It was at that time that we decided that LA was home.

As you can imagine, the search for a place for a family of 7 + dog is quite the feat. Read, “IMPOSSIBLE.” We never stopped looking for a house in the Pasadena area and dreamed of getting our old house back. It almost took a year, but we finally found a house and we can’t wait to show you. We’re praising God for opening doors, literally. While I was away for 2 years, I missed my “team,” aka Felicia my photographer and Morgan, my make-up artist who I was never able to replace. I am thrilled to be back with artist who inspire me, close to work, business partners, and areas to shoot. I don’t think I can communicate enough how excited we all are and what’s to come.

I guess you can say, this is the part of While You Were Sleeping when Peter wakes up engaged. Next week I’ll be back to posting our California lifestyle.  Hello, culture shock!  Rural north Atlanta is a whole different culture to Los Angeles, but I think we will jump back into the rapids just fine.

We appreciate your love and support!! I’ve missed you all so much.  We look forward to being back in our old stomping grounds.

In the meantime, subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss out on anything. Follow my back up account @ shopshalicenoel and check here for any updates.

Who wants a house tour when we arrive?

Some of you know that last week, we unknowingly burned poison ivy in our fire pit. We inhaled the smoke and within 24 hours my face swelled to double its size. I could barely see through my right eye. My three children also showed signs of a severe allergy but thankfully not as bad as my reaction. It was scary. I’m sharing this to caution you to first inspect the wood that you use before you use it. My kids usually love to throw sticks and vines into the fire. Unfortunately, one of those vines was poison ivy! I’m sad because our fire pit times was one of family bonding and laughter.

I didn’t want to take the steroid shot due to awful side effects, so I treated it naturally. I know some do not have that choice especially if your throat swells too (pharyngitis). I treated it with homeopathic, and drank lots of liquids. Topically, I used Zanfel, Tecnu, baking soda and fresh aloe from our little plant. If you have it currently, I encourage you to seek your health practitioners advice. It’s not something to mess around with.

As I write, I’m on day 7, and thankfully feeling and looking more like myself. My face is peeling and very dry, but I’m thankful that me and my kids are on the road to recovery and way better than we were a couple days ago. Progress! However, we are itching like crazy still on our stomachs, arms and legs. I read that you have a severe case if your skin feels like leather, and ours does.

Have you or someone that you knew experienced an allergic reaction to poison ivy? I’m feeling brave so I’m sharing my before and after picture below. I’d love to hear from you in the comments.



My dress (small) // The kids pjs are gifts from Janie and Jack // Toddlers // Pine tree forest pjs

Atalie’s skirt // Atalie’s top

We’re working on a BIG (hard) project I can’t wait to share more later. The kids have been awesome in the midst of this transition. I’m loving these new comfy pjs from Janie and Jack. All that’s missing is a Christmas tree.

Hope your week is going well!



It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas card season all around the beach.  The families are dressed in their perfectly matching shades of white.  It’s a hustle to get those Christmas card pictures just right, so I recommend getting started now.  The weather is still warm, the kids are happy, and you will be the first card in everyone’s mailboxes for sure like that superstar mom you prove to be daily.  Just kidding.

But in all seriousness, here are my Christmas card strategies to help you enjoy some calm in the crazy.

First, save money and don’t use hire out photography.  We purchased a tripod and use the self-timer function on the camera.  It reduces a lot of stress hiring someone and then you can work with your own schedule.

We timed our photo just before sunset and was fortunate to have amazing light.  Make sure to face the sunset when taking your picture just at the right time.  Right after sunset is perfect even light and then the kids won’t be squinting.  We then use Light Room to filter the image and brighten it up if needed.

Secondly, we order our cards through Minted. They can easily be personalized, are quality and I like their designs.

Thirdly, match your outfits however you like.  Our family has been loving Vineyard Vines lately, so we all wore our favorite Vineyard Vines outfits.  The colors all coordinate nicely.  We let the kids pick out what they wanted, and a touch of gingham really adds to the style of the scene. What do you think? Don’t sit on this idea, schedule your family photo this weekend, order your cards and give yourself a big pat on the back. Now, only if ordering the bay leaf wreathes, my dad’s gift, and decorating was this easy.

Maybe next year.

Click to shop our outfits below:

Boys Bleeker pants // Boys White Oxford shirt // Boys Stripe Shirt // Toddler Canvas Pants // Toddler Oxford Shirt

Shalice’s White Dress sz 4 // Shalice’s Stripe button down in Medium // Reid’s canvas pants in gray // Reid’s gingham shirt // Straw hat // “H” Sandals

Girls Stripe Tunic Dress (she wore medium age 12) // Girls teen gingham dress (age 14, xxs)

6 Big Family Budget Hacks

by Shalice Noel

Some say that having a big family is too expensive. We think that it just takes more creativity.  Here are 5 big family budget hacks that we practice.

Family Ice Cream

Going to Ice Cream Parlor Regular Cup is $5.99 x 7 People = $41.93 plus tax and tips

Going to Grocery Store and buying 2 gallons of Ice Cream

Our Favorite Ice Cream is 2 for $10

Saved $32


We find we often go to the ice cream parlor as an excuse to get out of the house, so take your gallons of ice cream to a nearby park and enjoy.

Meal Plan

“WHAT IS FOR DINNER?” Who else hates that question? We try and save time and money each week by subscribing to HelloFresh. We get meals that we pre select online, sent straight to our door. While it will takes time to create the meals, I love not having to think about it. When I have the HelloFresh meals, I go to the grocery store less and therefore less prone to impulse buys. I see you start sweets gummy bears by the checkout line . . .

Family Dinner

Going out to dinner

Nice meal at a modest sit-down restaurant is approximately $15 x 7 People = $105 plus tax and tips

Going to Chipotle

Burrito $10 for mom and dad.  The older kids order 2 pointers for $5.99 and we order Levi side of beans and rice for $2, for a total of $46

Saved $59


Going to the Salon

Kids haircuts cost $25 x 5 = $125 plus tips

Home Haircut

We bought clippers from Marshalls for $24, 10 years ago.  That was a great ROI (return on investment). 

Saved $125 / month


The boy’s hair is super simple to cut.  In fact, I have cut Reid and the boys hair for years.  I still go to the salon regularly and the girls go occasionally to get washed and trimmed, but that’s it.

Movie Night

Going to the movies

New Release movie tickets cost $12 for kids and $14 for adults and that’s a matinee.  $12 x 5 + $14 x 2 = $88

Home Movie Night

Amazon Prime Movie Rental $3.99

Saved $84


Pop some popcorn, get some cola and plopped down on your couch for a cozy movie night at home.  From what we saved in movie tickets, I bought us a new sectional for our media room!

Car Wash

The car wash cost $8 for the standard wash.

Home Car Wash

1 hour of free entertainment!  (Almost free, yes, we still have a water bill, but the entertainment is worth it)

Saved $8 per week


To save water, fill a bucket of sudsy water and give them a sponge.  The kids love washing the car and it usually turns into a water fight.

It’s your turn, what are you money saving tips/hacks? I’d love to hear.


It’s 4 days till Friday, it’s time to get prepared.

Family night can get complicated beyond what to flavor the popcorn with. Can you relate? I asked you — my readers what are your favorite family friendly films and BOOM, I got great responses. Obviously, use parental caution and common sense as you know what your kids can handle in terms of movies and adults themes like funerals and death like we saw last night when we watched Fried Green Tomatoes. Reid and I have enjoyed making family night special with popcorn and nacho seasoning. I included the recipe below.

Add any of your favorites in the comments.


Sound of Music

Mary Poppins


Soul Surfer

Forever my girl – my kids say “this is mommy’s favorite movie.” Very sweet.

Cheaper by the Dozen


Because of Winn-Dixie

Snow Dogs

The Railway Children


Swiss family Robinson

Fried Green Tomatoes

Sky Captain and World of Tomorrow


A HUNDRED FOOT JOURNEY – whole family loved this one!




For family night:

This Nacho Cheese Seasoning is perfect for popcorn, chips, and french fries! Or anything you want to sprinkle it on. It’s also vegan because I used nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy flavor.


½ tablespoon nutritional yeast

1 ½ teaspoon of chili pepper powder (use more if you like it extra spicy)

1 teaspoon of onion powder

½ teaspoon of cumin powder 

½ teaspoon of sea salt

½ teaspoon of smoked paprika

Mix together, add on top of popcorn and drizzle with avocado oil.


1.Don’t go to a third party, I wasted $100 going to a used car website to “hold” a car and never was able to talk to a person. Go to the manufacturer of the car, in our case, the official GMC website.

2. Go to available new cars, input your zip code. It showed us cars available within 50 miles.

3. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled. Our car was at a dealership about an hour away. YAHOO!

4. Be on it. Call right away to confirm the purchase price and provide the deposit to hold the car.

5. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. In the past, I’ve just put up with what was on the lot. Gold, white, silver, etc. I WANTED A BLACK YUKON! I was SO happy to wait for the car I wanted in my favorite color. It’s worth the wait.

Friends only tell friends the good tips.

MAJOR TIP: use coupon code “Psinergy” to receive 10% off Vivobase car which blocks yucky EMF. You’re welcome!

Read THIS BLOG POST about my 16 year old dream to own a suburban and have 6 kids haha!

This is the car we got: Yukon XLT black leather with tan trim. We LOVE the bucket seats so its easy for the kids to move around on long road trips.

Good luck on your car journey, let me know if this post was helpful.

xx Shalice

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