

As a family, we joke that we’ve lived in a variety of unique homes: the Chicago Salt Box, the California Craftsman, the A-Frame, the James Bond House, a Beach House, a Modern Farmhouse, and a Mediterranean. Which one was your favorite? With such a diverse housing background, finding our next home was a challenging task to top our past experiences. In fact, it took us two long years of searching. After many lost offers and not finding anything we loved, we gave up last year and ended up renting.

Now, as our lease is about to expire, we are thrilled to announce that we have found our next home.

It’s spectacular.

This home has a character of its own, and we are currently deciding on a name. It’s between “DUNE HOUSE” and “Villa Brute.” Which one do you prefer? What do you think, does it remind you of our Pasadena house? It does to me.

Let me know in the comments.

This 1970s architectural icon has left us in awe. When we tell people it’s a brutalist design, they are often shocked – and we love the shock factor. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, blog, and follow us on Instagram for updates.

Chat soon,


I don’t know if you saw my Instagram announcement yesterday, but I’m pregnant with our 5th! We always talked about having a 5th even shortly after we had #4, but the timing was off since we decided to move from the midwest to the west coast for new jobs, better weather, etc. I took a break to build the blog and get our bearings here in LA. Meanwhile, I had a tug for another baby and finally convinced hubby.

Three months ago, I took an at-home pregnancy test and all was immediately confirmed with ongoing sickness. Mine was night sickness and I couldn’t keep food down past 3 pm or so. It was ROUGH. And it was hard to keep a secret. Fast forward to now, I’m 14 weeks, holding food down, and feeling much better! While I’m nervous about the 5 year age gap, I’m also thankful my youngest can dress himself and my oldest can make food like fry an egg, set the table, etc. That makes life easier right?

We broke the news to the kids during our daughter’s birthday. We wrapped a baby bottle, she opened it, and we announced they will have a new brother or sister! They were shocked and for the last couple weeks have been “preparing” by strolling their baby dolls around the block in their strollers. It’s the cutest thing seeing them tenderly swaddle their dolls.

It hasn’t been all fun and games though, as this pregnancy has been a little more rocky. I had some hemorrhaging last week and went to urgent care for blood tests and an emergency ultrasound. While it was super scary, I was told this is pretty common and to take it easy. The silver lining was, we accidentally found out what we’re having while getting the emergency ultrasound—wanna know?

So without further adieu . . .

IT’S A . . .

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While I will not be buying all those cute turbans baby girls wear on Instagram, I will gladly swap it out for bunny ear hats and oh-so-cozy knits. While he is not here yet, prayers are still needed. My heart goes out to the mothers who have had worse conditions and thank you to those who have already shared their stories on Instagram. You are my hero! Now, since we left our crib in Chicago, and gave everything else away, please comment with all your favorite baby gear and baby gear brands! I need your help because it has been 5 whole years since being out of baby mode.

Thanks for sharing this journey with us!

See some of my thoughts on motherhood HERE

XX Shalice