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4 Back to School Tips
I’m a big believer in EASING your kids into school. It’s a big change for moms, dads, and kids alike, so here are some tips to make that transition easier!
1. Go to bed earlier. I’ve found the back-to-school transition goes a lot smoother when kids are already adjusted to their new schedules. This means you should ease them into a morning schedule 4 weeks before school starts. I know that sounds like pulling teeth, but trust me, the keyword is EASE.
2. Have a treasure chest! I ordered all the little toys my kids are obsessed with from HERE so when they’re done with a subject or practicing piano or pass some test or goal, they get to choose ONE item from the chest. This works best for ages 5-10, in my experience.
3. Lower your expectations. The first couple weeks are rough getting into the new routine. Give yourself and your kids some grace!
4. Set their clothes and shoes out the night before. This helps so much so there’s no room for guessing or a possible disagreement.

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