1. versed mask // 2. jelly peel // 3. foaming cleanser // 4.lip therapy 5. Cleanse Balm with scrubber (Atalie only uses the scrubber) 6. skin ceuticals serum 7. bliss moisturizer 8. Tula Cleanser (use code SHALICE for 20% off) 9. eye cream
A year ago, Atalie came to me and said mom look, I have these red things on my nose! Her 8 year old brother said, “woah, Atalie has a ton of bug bites on her nose!” While we found out they were in fact not bug bites but pimples. Atalie was entering puberty and I won’t lie, I was a little scared. She’s my first, our guinea pig who taught Reid and I so much about parenting. All I knew to do was give her clean beauty products, and the knowledge that I knew. I taught her there are 4 easy steps to washing your face:
- Rinse with lukewarm water to cleanse
- Use your fingertips to apply cleanser
- Use a washcloth or scrubber to wash your face.
- Apply serum and moisturizer
I handed her Tula cleanser (use code SHALICE for 20% off), a scrubber, and moisturizer and we were off. Our first mommy daughter clean your face party! I told her about pores and how to clean them with Biore strips, kinda fun to use, and you definitely look funny wearing them. Oh the price of beauty I tell her! I remind her that true beauty isn’t skin deep and that its the hidden person of the heart that really matters. Especially later in life and when faced with disappointment or heartache. We can take care of our bodies, exfoliate our faces, and moisturize our dry skin, but that is merely white washing the surface. Cultivating a beautiful heart is the highest calling. That, my friends, is what I tell my daughters.
“but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” 1 Pt 3:4 ESV

*Shot on location at Park MGM Las Vegas