We’d all agree, this year is not a conventional one. Who knew that we’d all be working and schooling at home simultaneously? You can only guess what is top of our wish list this year? You guessed it. Noise canceling headphones. It has been challenging to say the least, to concentrate on work when the kids are asking you where their reading books are, can you cut an apple, and can they eat their Christmas cookies. Distractions aplenty. Nod if you agree.
Enter the noise canceling headphones!! A mom’s best friend. Well, headphones, and coffee and a chair outside quiet alone. A girl can dream right?
Reid wanted ear buds for his garage workouts, so I went with the best. Bose! The sound quality is unparalleled so I felt like it was worth the splurge, it came with a limited time warranty, was certified refurbished and was competitively priced.
What are you waiting for? Shop now to get the gifts here on time. I rounded some additional gift ideas below.

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Happy Shopping!
Big thanks to eBay for sponsoring this post!