I’ve always been into fitness. You could say since the age I started swimming at our neighborhood pool. I swam competitively starting at age 5 and didn’t stop until the end of high school. Swimming taught me a lot about self-discipline. Going to swim practice after school was draining in middle school. But going to swim practice before and after school was even more draining. It was that routine that made me a morning person today. While those training days were exhausting, I was motivated to always be better the next day. The fitness lifestyle is just that. A little improvement everyday.
As a swimmer, you learn to push your endurance and that is much the same idea I use in my weight training. I always try to do one more rep. It’s really not about counting reps and stopping at a pre-determined number ie. 10. It’s about pushing your body to the max. Taking every last muscle fiber and killing it in order for it to grow back better and stronger.
As a avid lifter and trainer, I also realized my nutrition is key. Otherwise the time spent in the gym is futile. Shalice has all the credit concerning my diet. When we first got married she pushed me to stop drinking soda drinks. I grew up drinking soda at least 1-2 time a day! (I’ve been off soda for 10 years now?) And I don’t get cavities anymore either. Shalice also started me on celery juice. See her celery juice recipe and benefits in THIS POST. I have a large glass of celery juice on ice before I eat anything else. I also try to not eat anything until lunch time. I’ve noticed my “dad bod” spare tire is deflating and that makes me happy. Lastly, Shalice has me taking LIFE liquid collagen and the Trim in lemon. How does Trim work you ask? Trim contains CLA which is conjugated linoleic acid. The most well-established benefit of CLA is a fat fighting power. CLA is clinically shown to reduce fat cells size over time meaning you can have a great impact on the visibility of cellulite. CLA also helps your body build muscle rather than store fat and has anti-inflammatory properties. As for the Biocell LIFE Collagen I take, here are some of the benefits: improves joint mobility and lubrication reduces joint discomfort, promotes healthy cartilage and connective tissue, supports cardiovascular health, promotes healthy hair, skin, gums and eyes.
Shalice’s code is this: 3697593, to get $10 off for first time customers.
It’s incredible the extra flex I get as a result in taking Trim and Biocell Life in the last couple months. I noticed much more cut in my mid-section and at 42 years old, I never thought I would have an almost 8-pack.
I guess I’m proof that if I can do it, you can do it.
Needless to say. I love working out. I love weight training. But without good nutrition, consistency in training and proper supplementation, you may not reach your goals. Keep up the grind. Push for one more rep. Practice self-discipline and everything will fit into place.
Rise and Grind friends.